Wednesday 4 July 2007

What am I going to be doing on the Logos Hope?

As you probably all know, I am a 'people' person. Most of my job over the past 5 years has been very administrative, so when I was challenged to get involved with people, I could not resist it!

My role on the Logos Hope will be in a new division called Partner Ministries. In this division, one of the departments is Guest Relations. Onboard the ship we have about 80 guest beds that we would like to use 'hotel' style, so that family, friends, prayer partners, OM'ers, donors, pastors, church members and many more can come and stay on the ship for short periods of time. I will be involved in all the practical arrangements that need to take place to make a guest feel welcome and have a fruitful and memorable experience onboard.

I look forward to welcoming many people I know onto the Logos Hope. Maybe if it is anywhere near YOU, then YOU can come and be one of my guests too.

Until the ship arrives here in the north of Germany, my days are filled with writing documents and thinking through how all this 'guest relations' stuff is going to work.... sigh!

1 comment:

Arne said...

Hey Loraine,

Great to read all this summed up as it is. I wanted to ask you what was going to be your role on the Logos Hope, but never came around to it. We really ought to call again, or just meet up. So much has changed. ;)

"Maybe if it is anywhere near YOU, then YOU can come and be one of my guests too."

So, can I take you up on that then? ;)
